Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Postpartum Brain

Is there such a thing as postpartum brain? This would be similar to pregnancy brain. I can’t remember anything nowadays unless I write it down. And I’m having a hard time listening!

So this past weekend I was with my mother-in-law and I asked a question. I paid attention as she answered it, but then she added in extra information. She lost me then. I pretend I’m paying attention and nod, but I don’t even know where my mind is! It’s weird! So as I walk away, I think, “I wonder where the lids are... Oh wait! I think that’s what she just told me while I tuned out! Think. Think. What did she say? Oh yeah! The back of the pantry. I can’t believe I didn’t listen again!! This is becoming a problem...” (Yes. That was my though process.)

I can’t remember how many bottles I’ve given Elianna almost every night. I forgot the biscuits in the oven today and burned them. I forget all the time to take my vitamins. I repeat things over and over to David because I’m not sure if I’ve told him. I have forgotten my keys in the backseat of the car after I took Elle out and went into a store while my car was total available for anyone that wanted it! Every time I needed deodorant this weekend, I had to hunt for it in all of our 3 bags. I kept thinking, “Why don’t I just put it back in the side pocket every time so I always know where it is!?” I then use the deodorant, and catch myself tossing it on top of a pile of clothes. I turn around and it hits me what I JUST did! So I have to consciously (while my brain is on) put it in the side pocket.

Needless to say. This is a problem!! Geez.


  1. Marcy!!! Eu tenho uma teoria! Voce esta tao preocupada com sua bebe ( nunca tinha experimentado esse tipo de preocupacao e dedicacao
    ) que as outras coisas cotidianas, por referencial, viraram absolutamente banais. Voce sente isso e manda a msg pro seu cerebro e ele comeca a agir com se REALMENTE fossem banais ;)!!! De qualquer maneira, tenho certeza que nao eh nada pra worry about e que deve ser voce, inteiramente, se adaptando a uma vida que requer muito mais energia e atencao. Daqui a pouco voce acostuma! <3

  2. I think it's just motherhood in general. I still do this. We have so many things going on at once that we can't focus on all the other things going on. My other theory is lack of sleep. I can focus much better on a full nights sleep.

  3. Please email me! I have a question about your blog! :)
